Why it feels like you're not getting anywhere (and how to change it):

Hey lovebug,

My whole life used to be a step towards "getting there". Lose the weight, find the partner, figure out my "purpose", make the money, and then I'll be all set, right?

In fact, right after I graduated from college, I bought a one-way ticket to Santiago, Chile without any friends, family, work opportunities or a damn clue waiting on the other side.

I thought choosing an adventure would surely be "getting there". I thought life would be MADE if I just had that one hit of "arrival".

Surely if I go on this adventure, I'll have everything figured out, right?

Then I did it with my weight. Surely if I just hit (insert number) pounds, I'll be hot and lovable and I'll have everything figured out, right?

Then I did it with love. Surely if I find love (after I figure out the weight shit, of course), I'll be confident and affirmed, and I'll have everything figured out, right?

Then I did it with purpose. Surely if I find out what I'm meant to do, I'll have it all figured out, right?

Then I did it with money. Surely if I hit X-amount per month (like I'm supposed to do in my first week of business), I'll have it all figured out, right?

But this is where that kind of thinking (and energy) screws you from getting what you want:

If you're waiting for X to feel Y, then you'll be keeping it at a distance forever.

And that's when it feels like you're doing all the things and getting nowhere.


Because we create things from the inside out. Energetically. Spiritually. Mindfully.

We create from who we ARE, not what we do. (what we do is a by-product)

We create from who we BE.

And it's the BEING that allows the things we want to flow to us in a fun (yet challenging) way.

In fact, when I finally let go of "getting there" for all those things, I opened up to let them in. My body shrunk to her appropriate and healthy size (I also feel hot). I opened up to the love of my life (she's hot too). I absolutely and unequivocally know my purpose (powerful coaching). And when I hit the x-amount per month goals, guess what? I set a new goal.

Because let's be honest: there is no arrival. You'll always be growing and wanting and learning and failing. You'll always be trying new things and achieving new goals.


The money? It's a by-product of who you're being.

The weight? It's a by-product of who you're being.

The purpose? It's a by-product of who you're being.

The love? It's a by-product of who you're being.


If you had everything you ever wanted, who would you be? Productive? Focused? Grateful? Happy?

Bring her to the table TODAY.

That's when you really get the feast.

I've got some 1:1 spots open for the woman who's ready to ignite her power and create from her inner wealth. Wanna know what it looks like? We can figure out what's best for you. PM me and let's connect to learn more about how to help you get unblocked.

xx Alex